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How DUI Lawyers Can Help Protect Your Commercial Driver’s License

July 2, 2024

For professional drivers, a DUI conviction can endanger your livelihood by putting your CDL at risk. Experienced DUI lawyers understand how to defend your rights and minimize consequences when charged with impaired driving. Did you know that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, someone in the U.S. is killed in a crash involving an alcohol-impaired driver every 45 minutes? Here's why CDL holders who are charged need to reach out for help from an expert DUI lawyer.

The Stakes Are High With a CDL

A DUI charge is always serious, no matter your driving record. However, for commercial vehicle drivers, the impacts escalate quickly. A CDL is a prerequisite for your profession, but in our experience, a single impaired driving offense can lead to outright license disqualification. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which oversees all CDL regulations, has a low DUI tolerance given the responsibility of operating heavy, hazardous vehicles on public roadways. Any alcohol-related driving conviction is dire for your CDL status.

Your State Laws Also Matter

While the FMCSA governs CDLs federally across the United States, individual state laws also impact DUI penalties. The specifics of a disqualification period or reinstatement requirements often depend on your state's statutes. An experienced DUI lawyer understands the nuances between federal and state rules. They can identify procedural faults or technicalities that may invalidate a DUI charge by state laws. Knowing both levels of DUI laws matters to protect your commercial driving eligibility.

Act Quickly to Start Your Defense

Time is critical after any DUI arrest, especially with a CDL at stake. Most states impose strict deadlines for filing paperwork to appeal a license suspension or request an administrative hearing. An adept DUI lawyer will immediately start working to meet vital filing cut-offs for a CDL holder. This helps keep your case progressing while avoiding logistical delays. Your lawyer can also demand evidence like breathalyzer readings and squad car videos be preserved for examination later. Letting your combined state and federal rights slip by missing deadlines can severely dent your defense.

Plea Agreements May Offer Options

Rather than risk a conviction at trial, your attorney may be able to negotiate a plea deal with lesser charges to protect your CDL. For a first-time offense with no accidents or injuries involved, the prosecution may be open to reckless driving or negligent operation plea agreements. While these convictions still mean points on your commercial license, they likely won't lead to disqualification. Your lawyer analyzes your case factors and background to assess eligibility for CDL-safe plea deals or pre-trial diversion programs. Any chance to avoid a DUI conviction record is worth pursuing.

Evaluation of Testing Procedures Is Critical

The validity of any chemical BAC testing that led to your DUI arrest must be scrutinized. Minor procedural errors by the officer or testing facility can make results inadmissible and ruin the state's case. Common issues an attorney targets include improper device calibration or operation, inconsistent or conflicting test results, mishandling of blood/breath samples, failure to observe required testing timelines, and lack of probable cause for requesting testing. Botched testing protocols or inadmissible BAC findings enable your
DUI lawyer to weaken the prosecution’s evidence significantly. Without this technical data, they must rely solely on field sobriety tests for subjective proof of impairment.

Alternative Explanations Change the Narrative

Looking beyond presumed intoxication, an attorney gathers information to suggest reasonable explanations for your behavior during arrest. Medical conditions like diabetes, fatigue, prescription medication, or injuries can mimic signs of drunkenness without any alcohol consumption. Effective counsel will request medical records, prescriptions, and doctor statements to back these defenses. Just introducing plausible alternate theories can raise enough reasonable doubt of your guilt to win dismissal or acquittal of the DUI charge.

Pre-Sentencing Advocacy Matters Too

If options for avoiding a DUI conviction fall short, skilled counsel pivots to advocating for your CDL rights during sentencing. They present mitigating factors to the court, showing you're a safe driver who made an isolated mistake. Letters of support from past employers and the local community also demonstrate your positive character to the judge. The goal is persuading the court to grant a hardship occupational license allowing you to operate commercial vehicles for work despite a DUI conviction on record. While limited, this right to drive preserves your career temporarily while fulfilling suspension terms.

For CDL holders, impaired driving allegations must be addressed swiftly and strategically to avoid disqualification. Knowledgeable DUI lawyers help protect your livelihood by contesting charges assertively or negotiating charges that mitigate CDL penalties. Call Kavanagh & Kavanagh LLC today for a consultation if you've been charged with a DUI. The sooner you act, the better chance you have of securing a positive outcome.

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